Sixth Form

Level 3 Mathematical Studies (Core Maths)

We follow the AQA Level 3 Mathematical Studies Syllabus and students sit the examination at the end of year 12.

Content studied includes Critical Analysis, Data Analysis, Maths in personal finance and Estimation.

Core Maths is a level 3 course equivalent to an AS, which provides students with a ‘maths for life’ education and supports them with the maths requirements in their other subjects.

Grade 5 minimum in GCSE Mathematics and Grade 4 minimum in GCSE English.

A study of the higher GCSE Mathematics course is also helpful when studying Level 3 Mathematical Studies but is not essential.

Mathematical Studies should be a fourth subject as it is a one year course.

Level 3 Mathematical Studies is designed for students who are keen to extend their GCSE maths skills but aren’t planning on taking mathematics at A level.

It will help to better understand quantitative aspects and data analysis in subjects such as Geography, Psychology, Health & Social Care, Sport Science, Sociology, Business and Economics.

The course has been designed in association with employers to increase employability skills as it develops problem solving skills as well as underlying mathematical concepts.