Sixth Form
Study Areas & Facilities
If you select the 6th Form at Blessed Hugh Faringdon, you will be able to use purpose built study rooms to help your transition through your A Level and BTEC courses. This area is managed by the Study Supervisor and Sixth Form Administrator Ms C. Trussell. When you do not have lessons then you can utilise these study areas and take advantage of a comfortable surrounding in which to work. One room is dedicated to silent work and the other two for more interactive study with your peers, there is also access to desktop computers. Students may work in the Common Room in small groups, by agreement with Ms Trussell.
The large Common Room provides an ample social and rest area where students can go at break and lunch, and there are Chess and Table Football facilities purely for the 6th Form.
Within the study rooms students will find much to support their progress including, University Prospectuses and information on Open Days, subject text books, magazines and probably all the stationery they could possibly need.