Main School
Admissions Information
How to apply for a Year 7 place at Blessed Hugh Faringdon Catholic School:
Parents must apply for a place at BHF via their Local Authority. In September, Local Authorities such as Reading LA, West Berkshire or Wokingham, invite residents with children in Year 6 to make applications for the schools of their preferred choices for secondary school. Applications close on October 31st. The co-ordination between LA's then occurs in order to place applicants into schools and the applicants are informed of which school they have been allocated to on or about March 1st. For BHF, although not compulsory, we ask that parents applying complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) so that the correct ranking according to our Admission Policy can take place by the Governing Body. The deadline for submission of SIFs, for admission in September 2025, is 31st December 2024.
How to apply for an In Year Transfer to Blessed Hugh Faringdon Catholic School:
Parents must apply for a place at BHF via the Local Authority, Reading LA/Brighter Futures for Children:
Although not compulsory, we ask that parents applying complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) so that the correct ranking according to our Admission Policy can take place by the Governing Body.
Admissions Appeal Procedure:
If your child is not offered a place at Blessed Hugh Faringdon Catholic School, you have a right to appeal against this decision to an Independent Appeal Panel. To submit your appeal online and to obtain full guidance for making an appeal follow the link to the Local Authority website for Reading Borough Council:
The deadline to submit an appeal for Year 7 in September is 30th March, appeal hearings will be heard during May and June.
Appeals should be submitted via the online appeal form or sent to:
Clerk to the Appeals Panel
Committee Services
Reading Borough Council
Civic Offices
Bridge Street