Main School
Journey to Outstanding
- Keeping us honest: authenticity in Catholic education
- A character-rich curriculum for a flourishing life
- Character for learning and success
- Financial sustainability and the future
- Option for the poor - caring for the vulnerable
- No one left behind: towards being a lead school for inclusivity and social justice
- Teaching with character: towards intellectual and emotional flourishing
- Leadership, service and role models - the Sixth Form
- Blessed Hugh Plus: contributing to the common good
- Alignment with the Reading vision
- Ever-deeper Catholic identity
- Curriculum development
- Student support
- "Option for the poor" - supporting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged
- No one left behind: inclusivity and social justice
- Intellectual and emotional flourishing
- Step forward: service and leadership in the Sixth Form
- Blessed Hugh Plus: a school aligned with the Reading learning community and contributing to the common good